Monday, July 6, 2009

Poetry & Poem

I am proud to announce that I have published my poetry in print!
With the help of and, my poetry have a price on their words! At first, I was kind of worried if these websites were a scam, but now I see they're merely just free service to fulfill the writer's wish- to be published! Not that it will make you a millionaire, but hey it's exactly what we all want to see, right? You're works documented.

Also, my latest Poem "Bonny Actors" has been accepted by Renaissance Magazine! I'm excited and awaiting its published piece in the newstand this coming month! I can't paste the poem in this blog for copyright reasons, but once I get a hold of one copy, I'll be sure to upload it A.S.A.P.!

Plus, I'm in the Art Institute of Hollywood now. So if anymore opportunities can be found, it may come sooner than usual! As an author and artist, dreams seem to be more than just a mind trick, but a reawakening to reality!


Saturday, May 23, 2009

The 19th Century

Long ago in England, there was a fashion that made Gentlemen wear tall hats and penguins suits, curiosity within man's vices, and manners particularly in due respect for society...with mutton chops! And along with this time came stories of the supernatural, oddities, machines! And along the way: two hundred years in the future, we the Contemporary Society look back and celebrate the Steam with the ingenuity of our craft!

On the 14th(Thursday) of May 2009, my friends and I attended a Ball. In this Ball, we found such intriguing contraptions, amusing characters, and the most generous of bartenders we have ever met in the city of Los Angeles. To reminisce: when we came, low expectations occurred in the back of my mind. We got lost in the Downtown area- between Filipino Town and Korea Town; and if anyone knows anything about those two cities in Los Angeles, then you'd understand the worry of our paranoia at 10pm. circling and U-turning all about the area for the club location.

As we came to the parking behind a large building (of which I cannot recall), we were greeted by two guards of the gate: a parking attendant and the Bouncer. We paid our toll and made our way up through a dark dank staircase, where a few people were making their exit already. I became curious if the event was at all in mood and mode for the title. But after crossing the rooftop, under neon lights, and a top hat to greet our attendance, I came to realize that "Yes, yes it is a SteamPunk Ball!"

Beyond the dark motif, the leather lounge, and the 80's music remix, there were artists, inventors, fire dancers, and an Absinthe keeper! To be swift with what happened afterwards: we spoke, made friends, made compliments, saw the machines, and tasted their concoctions. It was a night worth remembering. The friendliest event for anyone who wished for a dip into the SteamPunk World. A night I will never forget: Infernal Contraptions.

Along the way back into the 21st century [is anyone feeling as weird as I am with that number?], Disney has proudly started a preview for their upcoming movie of The Christmas Carol! They started here in Los Angeles in Union Station to promote not only the movie, but the world of Charles Dickens in their newest technique: Motion Capping. Where actors in skinny suits animate the entire film with their miming and acting alone! No rebuilding old England in a studio lot, just white bars and hollow walls! It was an amazing event, every family should go before it leaves on the 26th! And trust me, if the line for this event frightens you, fear not for the Jugglers and Carolers will keep you entertained for the time you are there! Merry Christmas Everyone!!! May.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Hello everyone! Welcome to my first real blog.

...not to say that the others weren't real, being that they all were virtual data to begin with anyways, but they tend to disappear from the net for better reasons not mentioned. XP

Anyways, so to get this party started, the matter of publication is at hand! I just launched my personal website and I must admit, I am impressed; and not just because I made it myself, but now I have a portfolio in web design that I can showcase, including: &, of both I proudly used Flash MX2004 with! This outdated program has saved my butt countless times in midterms, finals, and freelance jobs when convincing presentation is most the last minute.

I hope to use this website as a stepping stone for professional usage, as I am not only entering the poetic and writing world, no , but the artist's too! I have to admit though, I need some touch ups on my organization and clarity in image presentation, but that can be rectified easily.

It really can.

On another current news, a few days ago, my fiance, friends, and I attended Cafe Mode: an art gallery held in (my opinion) the best Vegan restaurant in Los Angeles city- Shojin! We had the lovely opportunity to view the newest and impressive artists of the Downtown district. Many of the displays and productions were of most curios natures. It had me questioning all through the night, speculating the intellect behind the art, confessing estrangement to their music, and the charisma of the artist's that filled the room with colorful mingle just made the whole experience so welcoming.

We were able to talk to a few of the artists, all of which were friendly faces willing to exchange wit, jest, and insight for whatever reason to speak and greet. They were great. Through the event, we met most of the people that held the event that night, including the main artist holding the gallery- Kio Griffith, whom was introduced to us by the head Chef!

Frankly, I was just blown away by the entire night.

So on participating in the event, Stef and I were able to exchange cards (which she designed herself), where our web portfolios can be viewed: & This being a new step in another industry we could participate in, fingers got crossed as a prayer to take part in something big became our new aspiration.

Visit Shojin's Diary to see recaps of the night!

Friday, February 27, 2009