Monday, July 6, 2009

Poetry & Poem

I am proud to announce that I have published my poetry in print!
With the help of and, my poetry have a price on their words! At first, I was kind of worried if these websites were a scam, but now I see they're merely just free service to fulfill the writer's wish- to be published! Not that it will make you a millionaire, but hey it's exactly what we all want to see, right? You're works documented.

Also, my latest Poem "Bonny Actors" has been accepted by Renaissance Magazine! I'm excited and awaiting its published piece in the newstand this coming month! I can't paste the poem in this blog for copyright reasons, but once I get a hold of one copy, I'll be sure to upload it A.S.A.P.!

Plus, I'm in the Art Institute of Hollywood now. So if anymore opportunities can be found, it may come sooner than usual! As an author and artist, dreams seem to be more than just a mind trick, but a reawakening to reality!


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